Inflammation: Heart and Blood Sugar

Inflammation of the Heart and Blood Sugar


Having a healthy heart is often related to dietary choices, but how does blood sugar levels directly impact the heart?

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These two conditions although they seem to have two different origins, are actually closely related. In early stages of blood sugar problems physical changes are often not detectable, but over time the effects of prolonged elevated blood sugar can impair the heart’s condition. Broad fluctuations in blood sugar can also create the same stress.

Both heart disease and blood sugar disorders usually begin with subtle changes.  And what may not be noticed in physical symptoms can often be detected with specific blood tests.

Results of targeted blood tests may be the only early indication that there is something going in the wrong direction. They are an early warning sign  that if detected early can help guide treatment toward prevention or disease progression.

One of the most common tracking markers of the progression of heart and blood sugar disorders is the degree of active inflammation.

Inflammation is a sign that the body is struggling to maintain balance.

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Signs of Inflammation show that there is a disease process trying to happen. Finding the cause and reversing its progression early is the key to preventing disease progression.

Typical physical signs of inflammation might be headaches, stomach aches, indigestion, muscle aches, heat flushes, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, allergies, chemical sensitivities, gum disease, irritability, mood swings, frequent skin breakouts or rashes, or heart rate fluctuations.

A common blood test that can measure inflammation is the Hs-CRP or Highly sensitive C-Reactive Protein. This test measures a liver protein that is activated when the organ systems are trying to keep up with the repair of damaged or a stressed condition.

This easy non-specific test helps to evaluate the degree of inflammation. If this is increased, it’s a serves as a marker of an overload on normal body’s systems. It is not specific but warrants further testing to find the underlying causes of tissue damage.

Thorough testing helps to accurately identify an early condition and prevent further progression.

Early diagnosis leads to improved treatment outcomes.


Prevention and successful treatment is based on a combination of therapies which are individualized and integrated.

The best kind of treatment is recommended not only for symptom relief. It is also targeted to address the underlying cause of why the body system is stressed. The goal is to strengthen innate body function and prevent disease progression.

Common medical treatments are often focused only on a specific organ system that might be causing the problem but may miss other causes.  By looking at whole body systems serves to identify the underlying problem, remove unnecessary excess stress, and support long term balanced health.

My approach to health care uses an Integrative Medicine plan to map present health conditions and then use a systematic strategy by looking at

Genetics,  Nutrition,  Detoxification,  Hormones and the Immune system

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Each one of these can play a significant role in supporting long term wellness and preventing illness. If one system is out of balance its effects cause downstream problems. Treating medical conditions upstream prevents the manifestation of disease and is the key to

Restoring Your Health