Lyme and Mental Health radio interview
Lyme disease is often thought of as a condition that causes joint pain. Most doctors see it as an acute disease that can be successfully treated using a short course of antibiotics similar to treating an ear infection. But mounting evidence suggests that 25% or more of Lyme disease cases can become chronic.
In chronic Lyme disease symptoms can linger and cause a multi-system break down. More mental health care providers recognize its effect on mental health. Numerous cases of chronic depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and even psychosis have linked Lyme disease to mental health decline.
In this radio interview I am interviewed by a mental health care provider and talk about accurate testing for Lyme disease to prevent chronic Lyme disease and the progression to mental health problems. I am also joined by a patient with chronic Lyme disease. The personal story of this patient’s journey with Lyme disease is not uncommon. She talks about how difficult it was to navigate the health care system to receive help and the impact Lyme disease has had on her life choices. I review prevention, the myths about Lyme disease, and treatment options. Early treatment is emphasized to prevent the complications of over medicating for mental health symptoms that may be related to Lyme disease.
The link below will take you directly to the interview to hear the facts about Lyme disease, including its effects on mental health, safe tick removal instructions, and more. Hear it for yourself!